Saturday, July 28, 2007

Welcome, think with me!

Welcome to you my friend.
Now that you are here, rest your mind and make yourself comfortable.
Let us just share a moment of thought, a minute of life, a heartbeat of my soul, a silence, a warmth, a smile, acknowledging the sentiments of a fellow thinker, a person who weeps unshed tears, writes on an empty slate, dreams of a better today!!!!
Welcome be my guest, tarry awhile, let the silence grow, let my mind think with you, let our hearts converse.........
How beautiful is the Universe!!!!!!! yesterday we had rains.... it poured and there was thunder and lightning! we had news of flash floods in Europe and many parts of India. They say it is due to Global warming.Will we learn? Will we be able to spread the message?
HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY!!!!!!!..... I mourn the change in landscape when I travel to Kerala, which is otherwise called "God's own country". In my childhood we used to love the stretches of velvetty green paddy fields, the flowing rivers and the palm trees serenely standing guard on the banks of the river.....
The mountains were always in the background, the tropical forests had a grandeur that never ceased to affect us..... the wonder of God's creation, the beautiful colours of green, the blue skies, often threatened by black clouds so pregnant with rain......Tell me where is all that now? I see more buildings and the dynamite blasts in the mountains for granite blocks disturbed our afternoon siesta and our conscience.
Is it nothing to you O you who passeth by????????..........
Susan Jacob, Chennai, India


als said...


your blog is quite interesting. Infact this is the first time i am entering into a blog.

i thought you spent your childhood days in gujarat.. I guess God has blessed you abundantly, that you spent your childhood days in God's Own country. Even the name of the place kindles interest in me to visit the place countless number of times.
God did bless me too. i can still cherish the days i lived with nature in mcc campus.. a serene pristine campus.. deep jungles, waiting for me to explore..

We should thank God for giving us this privilege. The privilege that other people can only dream of.
Thank God for giving us the Universe.. which is still a mystery, a place beyond which humans brains can never think of.

But knowingly and unknowingly we are going against nature, which i feel is going against God. May God forgive us.

take care,


Ponnoly Blogs said...

Susan, I am happy that you are getting back to your literary space, where you really belong... I wait for the day when Susan Jacob will be better known than Arundati Roy..with your fertile imagination, creative talent and literary flair.
Keep on writing..........You stopped for a while...Get back on track and go full steam...
I am eagerly waiting for your masterpiece...
"The best is yet to be."

thinking with susan said...

Thanx for your comments and encouragements Allen and Avthachen. It means a lot to me. I have a lot to write and I will surely do so.
give me a little time
Susan Jacob

usha said...

hi susan, this is usha (thyagu) here Happened to go through your blog, while trying to locate Teresa in Orkut. Find it quite interesting. I already know your literary skill, and i m really happy that your are continuing it,
The thought of creating my blog was there for quite sometime. My children were telling me to create one. Seeing yours i m also inspired. Looking forward to read from you,
with love usha