Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20 November 2012
A Day of Reckoning

14 year old Rishma, her parents, activists and supporters, around the world, found reason to be happy on Universal Children's Day, as news came in about the dismissal of Rishma's case by a Pakistani Court. It has vindicated the stand of thousands of her supporters and has brought relief to all those who agonized and prayed for her.

Another landmark is in the making as the General Synod of the Church of England is all set to vote on the issue of Ordination of Women Bishops. In September 2010, the draft legislation allowing the ordination was referred to the Dioceses for prayerful study. In February 2012 a Report to the synod showed that only two of the 44 dioceses were opposed to women bishops. In May 2012, the House of Bishops referred it to the Synod for final approval. Today on D day, 20 years after the decision was taken to ordain women priests, it is still not known which way the pendulum will swing on the issue of Women Bishops. 

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